This survey is now closed

Patient Survey 2023

Generally, how easy is it to get through to your GP practice on the telephone?


How helpful do you find the receptionists at your GP practice?


Which of the following online services have you used in the past 12 months? Please select as many as apply.


What is your preferred method for ordering repeat prescriptions?


Are you aware that you can order your prescription online?


How often do you see or speak to your preferred GP when you would like to?


How easy do you find it to look for information or access services via our website?


Are you aware that the surgery has a Patient Participation Group?


Do you understand what a Patient Participation Group is and what they do?


As far as you are aware, what general practice appointment times are available to you? Select as many as apply.


How satisfied are you with the general practice appointment times that are available to you?


Thinking about the last six months, have you been able to get a face to face appointment when you wanted one?


When was your last general practice appointment?


Who was your last general practice appointment with?


Thinking about your last appointment, how good was the healthcare professional at Giving you Enough Time?


Thinking about your last appointment, how good was the healthcare professional at Listening to You?


Thinking about your last appointment, how good was the healthcare professional and Treating you with Care and Concern?


Thinking about your last appointment, how good was the healthcare professional at Involving you as much as you wanted to be about your care and treatment?


During your last general practice appointment, did you have confidence and trust in the healthcare professional you saw or spoke to?


Thinking about the reason for your last general practice appointment, were your needs met?


Overall how would you describe your experience of your GP practice?


Please add any other comments you feel is relevant to your experience at the practice (please note responses are confidential so we are unable to follow up individual queries)

This survey is now closed