Patient Feedback

How do you find getting through to us by PHONE?


How helpful do you find the RECEPTIONISTS?


Are you satisfied with the appointment times available for you?


You usually get to see or speak with your preferred GP?


Were you offered a choice of appointment?


Were you satisfied with the choice of appointments you were offered?


Did you take the appointment offered to you?


Would you describe your experience making an appointment?


You were given a time for your GP appointment.


Based on your last visit were you given enough time with the healthcare professional?


Based on your last visit how would you rate the GP or the nurse listening to you?


Based on your last visit how would you rate the GP or the nurse treating you with care and concern?


Based on your last visit how would you rate the GP or the nurse recognised & understood any mental health needs?


Were you involved as much as you wanted to be in decisions about your care and treatment?


Did you have confidence & trust in the healthcare professional you last spoke too?


Based on your last visit, how would you rate your needs were met?


How would you rate the support you have received in the past 12 months to help you manage your long-term condition(s)?


How would you rate our surgery overall?