Dear Patient,

Many thanks for agreeing to take this short survey to help improve our Sexual health Clinic service.

Please answer all of the questions and click 'Send Survey' when you are done.

Q1. How did you first hear about the clinic?


Q2. When you phoned, were there difficulties getting through?


Q3. Did you have problems finding the Clinic?


Q4. How well were you treated on the phone when making the appointment?


Q5. How well were you received when you arrived?


Q6. Was the date and time of your appointment satisfactory?


Q7. When you saw the doctor/nurse did he/she make you feel at ease?


Q8. The delicate questions asked during the consultation are essential to help decide on relevant tests. How did you feel about them being asked?


Q9. Was there any part of the examination that you think could have been handled better?


Q10. Overall how would you rate the service?


Q11. If you had a choice where would you prefer to be treated?



To help us analyse your answers please tell us a few things about yourself:

Are you male or female?


What age are you?


What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?


Many thanks for your time in answering the questions on this survey.