Very Good
Neither Good Nor Poor
Very Poor
Don't Know
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What you had to tell us

We asked... "Can you tell us why you gave that response?"

Our thanks to Dr AuYeung who arranged for patients of the White House Surgery to be given covid and flu vaccines at MillCroft Court, the idea to come to Millcroft came from Dr AuYeung when we asked her surgery if they would include anything in the Millcroft newsletter and the idea was hers to come to us with her colleague to administer the vaccinations. Her patients at Millcroft will again give her a gift as we did last Christmas to thank her for her care. Long live the cherished NHS!
- Anonymous on 05/01/2024
Phenomenal care from Dr Anne Au Yeung. I felt she was extremely professional, she listened to what I needed to share and she supported, signposted and provided the care I needed. I felt her compassion went a ong way. Thank you to her and the team.
- Anonymous on 27/10/2023
I felt listened to and was seen quickly
- Anonymous on 14/07/2023
I am happy with this practice, everyone is helpful and I can get an appointment by ringing in or a telephone call back if needed.
- Anonymous on 10/07/2023
I think they have managed well during the pandemic and the staff all try very hard to help
- Anonymous on 02/07/2023