Very Good
Neither Good Nor Poor
Very Poor
Don't Know
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When I need appointment they usually fit me in
- Anonymous on 05/10/2023
I give this rating because sometimes it dose feel like your doctor is not listening to you but it not the case and I am thankful the doctor set me to hospital because it could have been a different outcome as a emergency so I’m grateful for the doctor that day
- Anonymous on 05/10/2023
When I get appointment I am quite happy with Dr or nurse so I don’t have any problems
- Anonymous on 05/10/2023
Because Dr Hunter is fabulous She is very caring , considerate and understanding She takes the time to listen and understand your situation She has helped me in numerous ways with all aspects of my health for which I am Eternally gratefull
- Anonymous on 05/10/2023
Running late and ended up not seeing go as had to get to work yet they couldn’t tell me over the phone and said I needed to see the doctor, go figure
- Anonymous on 21/08/2023