Very Good
Neither Good Nor Poor
Very Poor
Don't Know
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What you had to tell us

We asked... "Can you tell us why you gave that response?"

This practice does not provide even the most basic standard of safe care. I would highly recommend that anyone thinking of joining this practice makes an alternative choice. Firstly it is almost impossible to get through on the phone to make an appointment. On line is no better. You have to know in advance-at least three weeks-so that you can make an appointment to see a doctor-that is how long the waiting list is. The receptionists are extremely rude, especially to elderly and vulnerable patients. If you are lucky enough to secure an appointment, the doctors at this practice are disrespectful, uncaring and will treat you like the dirt on their shoes. Who needs a doctor who has little empathy, kindness or compassion. I don't think they have even heard of the NHS's 6 C's. They are clearly in medicine for the huge financial rewards, rather than for their caring abilities. No one at this practice will care about you!
- Anonymous on 04/10/2020